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Studybays.Me – 7. Improving the performance of our older students, we can observe in the recent editions of the international PISA study) was preceded by a rapid increase of private lessons and courses, which took place after the introduction of external examinations to our educational system.

Are we able to encode the same obvious element, such as education. Use of materials in foreign languages ​​while learning different subjects? It is difficult to say, but worth keeping our fingers crossed for the success of such a project. This issue, among others, will be devoted to expert debate “What is the future of science program in Poland?” Encoders during Picnic in the Copernicus Science Center (10/16/2015). They will take part in it: Blanka Fijołek, Ambassador Week Code PL and originator of the “Masters of Codes,” Barbara Halska 3.0 Media Foundation, Robert King of the Foundation for the Development of Internet Industry “Netcamp”, Wlodzimierz Marcinski, Digitization leader in Poland, and prof. Maciej Sysło the Council. Informatization of Education at the Ministry of Education. The debate will be moderated by Jaroslaw Lipszyc, president of the Modern Poland Foundation. Comments to deliver debate: Jurand Drop, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Administration and Digitization. The event is part of the Polish celebrations of the European Week Kodownia. More information can be found at and social media profiles – and The material prepared in the framework of partnership between the program and the Masters Coding Samsung Electronics Poland. / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 3233 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle:’ What do we learn from coding? ‘, hidInputComment’ you must input comment. ‘, hidInputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail: ‘Your e-mail is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply:’ Reply comment ‘textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 3233 & wound = 1861319514” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’ function (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘3233’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / In a short and concise reviews professors from Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Committee made a clear assessment of the reform and crushing the lower school age. They calculated the biggest shortcomings and negligence, not hesitating at the indication of the arrogance, irresponsibility, thoughtlessness and even the Ministry of Education in the implementation of changes in education at the expense of society. In connection with the directed to draft amendments to the Law on the Education System Professor Boguslaw Śliwerski posted on his blog Problem Team for review. KNP Educational Policy Sciences, professor had prepared. dr. Dorota Klus-Stańska from the University of Gdansk. It should be disseminated as widely as possible, because at several points in reference to the largest and the current problems of Polish education. “The only element of the proposed Act, which is advantageous from the point of view of the school and students covered by it, is to reduce the number of pupils in classes I-III primary to 25. In contrast, all proposals for lowering the school age should be evaluated negatively. Such an assessment due to the very many reasons: 1. Ministerial decision on the already six-year entry to schools and accompany accompanied by social unrest, which reached a surprising size. This demonstrates clearly the reluctance of parents towards this change, and they just need to be a key partner of the government in the debates on children. In a truly democratic state social opinions and voices, especially those whose range is so wide, are carefully taken into account. In such a situation, the answer MEN negative social reactions, which took the form of much further-reaching decision to reduce school age, is an expression of cynicism and extreme demonstration of the arrogance of power. 2. Schools are not prepared to accept younger children. To some extent this can only prove their relatively good material equipment, although the report NIK, which has selected 32 schools from the provinces showed that only 6 of them meet expectations. 3. Deficiencies in the preparation of schools in terms of legal, organizational and human resources are drastic and relate to, among others, professionally prepared teachers to deal with children in this age, day care solutions, beyond schedule, regulations glazed holiday period, play areas etc. 4. Initial education raises a lot of concerns and anxieties and they should primarily be a topic of interest MEN and they should be removed prior to any decision to lower the compulsory school. The image of the school, according to research how teachers of early childhood education (including D-Klus Stański, M. Nowicka E. Gruszczyk-Kolczyńska, A. Nowak-Łojewski J. Bałachowicz M. Wisniewska-Kin, M. Szczepski -Pustkowskiej E. Zalewska Żytko M., A. Kalinowska and many others), and shows a dramatic devastation that causes early school education: extreme inappropriateness of school to younger students, outdated methodology, lack of research activity in the classroom, group cooperation incydentalność , stereotyping attitudes and social stigmatization differences, disinheritance from stock culture and mother tongue, oppressive discipline of silence and stillness, the organization of the class native of the nineteenth century, and so in general: we have a school that instead of integrating anything according to its assumptions is a disintegrating knowledge and children’s sense of identity, reducing social competence, lack of sense of calling spraws thy, in competitive attitude and anxiety. 5. Poland objectifies school students, multi-year training antidemocratic deployments with so-called cult. the correct answer, treated as the only right one, and collective thinking, inertia celebrated since the days of communism. If you combine this with the ratio of the Minister K. Szumilas society would like to say – what the Minister of school. 6. The results of learning outcomes in initial classes, which they reach in international studies, are embarrassing for Polish. Our students rank outside Europe, and the relatively better results achieve in the ranges, where the school has not yet implemented, and therefore did not manage to extinguish the personal competence of children and their spontaneous strategies used to think (this phenomenon is also confirmed in international studies, which include higher levels of education – Polish students are relatively best at the tasks that the school has not taught them!). 7. Improving the performance of our older students, we can observe in the recent editions of the international PISA study) was preceded by a rapid increase of private lessons and courses, which took place after the introduction of external examinations to our educational system. Anyone who wants to be successful in any Polish school, attends private classes because the school is turns out to be inefficient. For students already attend tutoring classes early! They are not soon go on a 6-year-olds and their younger siblings? If we add to that found in other countries the size of domestic work (which occupy almost the whole free time, which should be better used to the experience of childhood), the call from the school that the parents will help children with their homework (which in other countries is treated as fraud education) and the fact that a considerable differentiation of learning outcomes by the environment of residence (significantly better reach students from large centers, where we are dealing with a focus intelligence and educational infrastructure and cultural), it becomes clear that Polish students learn not at school, but outside the school, thanks to the dramatic financial effort of Polish families. In contrast, students from areas of deprivation and environmental education are doomed school and cultural exclusion. 8. That is why, although the idea of ​​lowering the school age is correct in its essence, but before its implementation is very serious need to reform the operation of the school. In such a situation as now, children at kindergartens still have a chance to develop cognitive, social and emotional, are in institutions in which support this development is more than problematic. 9. Dropping the obligation to ensure conditions for a much earlier education on the shoulders of municipalities demonstrates blatant irresponsibility of the Ministry of National Education. Entering hasty reforms, which bear the cost of others, it is a sign of thoughtlessness, political immaturity and socially dangerous inability to predict. Must lead to a further lowering of the quality of schools, especially in areas of poor, deepening the educational gap and drastic growth of social stratification. “The Committee of Pedagogical Sciences Academy is a self-governing representation of pedagogical sciences, designed to integrate scholars from all over the country, a part of the corporate structure Sciences, ie. and in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. KNP Chairman of the Committee of Sciences prof. Boguslaw Śliwerski. I am pleased simple and clear message professors of Sciences. So far the reviews coming from this respectable group were too scientific and not understandable to the ordinary reader interested in matters of education. I wonder, however, whether such views are a real driving force in the Polish political reality. Is the Prime Minister at the end and in this case the “lost peace” and will take equally firm action, as in the case of other ministries, which revealed different (total weight much smaller than in the case discussed above) imperfections? Or do you think the Prime Minister is everything okay? One missing me all the time – a constructive answer to the key question HOW to change (improve, modernize, develop) Polish school? Who is to be responsible for these changes? Maybe professors of Sciences, able to offer a coherent program? (Source: Prof. blog educator. Śliwerskiego, ed. Own) (Note about the author: Marcin Polak is the creator and editor of, is engaged in education and social communication, implementing social projects and commercial nationwide and international) / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 2266 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle’ rating for the reform MEN: insufficient ‘, hidInputComment:’ You must input comment. ‘, hidInputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail: ‘You must input email’, hidValidEmail: ‘Your e-mail is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules ‘hidInputCaptcha:’ You must input the captcha ‘, textQuoting’ Quoting ‘textQuote’ Quote ‘, textPosting’ Posting ‘, textReply:’ essay writer for books Reply comment ‘textCheckSpelling’ No writing errors’, mesExpandForm ‘(+) is a Click Expand’ mesCollapseForm ‘(-) Click to Collapse’ theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 2266 & wound = 326558123” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, f unction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘2266’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / The message from the future: “Welcome, all is well with us 😉 Even the way. Polish to good schools is still far away.

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